January 25, 2007


Big old news guys: I dyed my hair a delightful chestnut color. So far I'm enjoying it. Here is a photograph to prove it:

Also, I got a call today from my five year old niece, Sydney asking if I wanted to buy girl scout cookies. this was the conversation:

me: hi
unidentified voice: hi.
me: who is this?
unidentified voice: Sydney.
me: hi Syd. i saw you left me a message.
syd: yeah. do you want to buy some girl scout cookies?
me: i'd love to buy some girl scout cookies.
syd: what kind?
me: how about some samoas and thin mints?
syd: okay. bye.

She sure does know how to do business.

1 comment:

w.weston said...

samoas are the best.