August 13, 2010

i go there sometimes in my dreams

there is this place i go to sometimes in my dreams that doesn't exist in the real world, and i went back there a few nights ago. it was just as beautiful as i remembered. it's been a while since i had been back and i started going there when i was quite young. a few things were different but it was the same place. a wide open pasture this time with a small garden with corn growing in it. above the garden where i was standing was a bench and there were a few buildings in the dream which were not in the past dreams. i definitely remember thinking to myself how beautiful the corn looked growing in the garden. in this dream i was more conscious of the fact that i had been there before which has never happened in the past. that's normally something i realize when i wake up. the oddest or most interesting part of this dream to me was that this time i brought my itelephone to take pictures. i remember thinking how i had to capture all of the beauty of everything i was seeing.

then i woke up and i didn't know how i felt. don't get me wrong i love technology and my little itele but a brand showing up in my dream? my special reoccurring dream!!! why couldn't it have been some unbranded no name camera? or some hip cool vintage camera to make me look way cooler than i actually am. maybe i've always had my itele in that dream but when i was first going i didn't know what it was since it didn't even exist then. and yes, if you're wondering i did check my itele to see if i was doing some dream photography but alas no middle of the night blury photos turned up.

i did end up remembering i took some great shots during my holiday on my itele which i'll posted as some sort of consolation prize for capturing no special reoccurring dream shots.

until we meet again special reoccurring beautiful dream.

continental divide, colorado

continental divide, colorado

maroon bells, colorado

a lake near maroon bells, colorado

the daisy, colorado

snowmass, colorado