September 4, 2008


Whenever I'm in a new city I find that all the people I come across remind me of someone I know. Today I saw many people I knew but I didn't know them. I wondered to myself if it would be weird to go up to one of them and tell them that I sorta knew them. Maybe that would be a good way to get to know people. But then I would get all my friends confused because they would all start to look the same.

Perhaps this isn't the best idea. 

This also reminds me of the time I was in the National Portrait Gallery and I saw a friend of mine in a painting from the 1800s. In the painting, he was a farmer holding pumpkins. So I know this sort of thing has been around for a long time. 

I also have found people by googling random things and stumbled across familiar faces. 

Perhaps there is a rotation of approximately a few thousand people in this world but when they have different hair cuts and clothing they seem to look different. If you see my others frantically wave hello like you know them. I think they will appreciate it. 


Farrah said...

I have an Anesthesiology intern that looks like a mix between Jonathan and Jonfen from Everything is Illuminated. Plus he's from a some sort of soviet country so he's got an accent. I sometimes talk to him like we're old friends, but really we met 3 days ago. Hopefully I don't accidently insult him by calling him a joo or repeatedly saying I'm sorry that must really suck.

Anonymous said...

dude, i get this same thing. I went to the dentist and was sure i knew the dental hygienist. So, i says to her, "I think i know you from somewhere. Have we met before?"
She got all sort of bitchy like she thought i was hitting on her, and said,"i don't think so, not unless you're from main. I just moved here." Then I was like, "yeah, i seem to recognize people for no reason sometimes. Its a weird thing i do. Sorry."


And when I was in San Fransisco, I recognized everyone in the board room. Do you think I have a brain tumor?

Anyway, great to see you the other night in San Fran. Keep in touch.

Unknown said...

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