June 25, 2008

Tor And The Mystery Of The Holland Shirt Experience

Whenever I wear my Holland shirt people always as me if I'm from Holland. I never get questioned about my origins when I'm wearing any of my other shirts.


Anonymous said...

just say yes

Claire Grinton said...

i had the same experience with a shirt from...gosh, i dont even remember now. EVERY time. I also had a super ugly rainbow snap bracelet that I stole from my brothers room after he went to college, and EVERYONE, including an ex-boyfriend, asked if i was a lesbian. the girls on my dance team got all wary of me, despite the fact that they knew i had a long-term boyfriend. so silly. i guess what's on the surface really does matter. (shit, i need to start tanning)

ps. yes, i am going through all your old posts.

Tor said...

claire i just have to ask, i saw you wearing multiple colors arranged like a rainbow; are you a lesbian?