December 30, 2006
Not To Worry I Noticed Them Too
However, my anger toward people who use further and farther incorrectly was not the intention of this post. The intention is that I have decided which may or may not be a good thing to not get embarrassed by my grammatical misjudgments and to instead embrace them as my own literary personality. By no means am I trying to make a mockery of the English language but rather try not to be so worried about mistyping 'is' for 'it' and 'lines' instead of 'lined.' Also, now I can be totally lazy and let you decode my actual message. See, we both win that way. With my new lack of editing style it is lucky for you this thing has spell check or this would become a game I promise you wouldn't want to play.
December 28, 2006
Maui's Back Roads

Additionally, I just spend the last hour googling photos of my native land's back roads attempting to find exactly the right photo. I then realized I couldn't narrow it down at which point I am left with no other choice then to post them all. So I suppose this is a little taste of what's left of my island paradise and my bottled memories. I will not charge for this initial trial period. Please comment if you are interested in purchasing the bottled paradise memories in full (remember the packaging is going to be awesome).

December 22, 2006
Falafels and the Blizzard
I believe this is mostly due to the fact that on the first day of the storm will and i went on a journey to falafel king for lunch, and as soon as we got in the door they asked us to lock it because they were closing early due to the weather. though i do not have a photo of it, will and i ate our delightful falafel plates then journeyed back into the snow our belly's full of falafel goodness.
December 18, 2006
Caitlin's Quote
December 17, 2006
The Holiday (2006)

Usually people talking in movies (especially baby people ie. children) makes me want to scream and beat them up with Jedi moves, but this wasn't the case with these whispering ladies. For a while, they got two of the characters Jude Law and Rufus Sewell confused as the same character. This caused them to think one of the characters was cheating on another so they would say "oh no no no" much like they were watching a scary movie when the characters would interact. This made for a more suspenseful romantic comedy movie watching experience.
They got extremely excited when a plate of fettuccine alfredo made a cameo appearance. They commented on how delicious it looked. The thing was, you couldn't deny how delicious the fettuccine looked. I wonder who got to eat it on the set.
why you too can love arboretums
December 16, 2006
a sad post
November 25, 2006
I Forgot How Much I Love Hidden Songs
Subway Target Ads
As straphangers and loyal subway riders we would like to make it known that we are officially against any signage, any new ads, any new lighting in the subway tunnel.
In particular we are against the MTA's plan to add advertisement to tunnel walls that will be like "electronic panels that would display 15-to-20-second commercials on tunnel walls - like a giant, high-tech version of kiddie flip books".
Ridership on subways and busses is higher than it has been in 50 years. The MTA finished last year with an enourmas surplus. The subway is our one respite from the city that never sleeps. From being bombarded by a McDonald's on every block and a Starbucks between that. From ads on sides of buildings to the neon glow of Times Square.
We not only ask, we demand that you keep your ads off our tunnel walls.
These people should actually fight about something that matters like the environment or something. we demand that you keep your boats off our blue whales.
here's the youtube of the ads
How Rosser Reeves Found His Way Into My Thanksgiving

I forgot to actually take a picture of the pink Ruby so I had to snag a photo off the internet. Here's Rosser Reeves "baby." You just can't get away from advertising.

here's some information I didn't write about this bad boy:
Weighing 138.7 carats, the Rosser Reeves Ruby is one of the world's largest and finest star rubies. This Sri Lankan stone is renowned for its great color and well-defined star pattern. Advertising mogul Rosser Reeves, who donated the piece to the Smithsonian in 1965, carried it around as a lucky stone, referring to it as his baby. He often stated that he had acquired the stone at an auction in Istanbul in the mid-1950s. He actually bought the stone from Robert C. Nelson Jr. of New York who was acting on behalf of Firestone & Parson of Boston. Firestone & Parson were selling the stone for Mr. Paul Fisher of New York. Mr. Robert Fisher, Paul's father, had bought the ruby at an auction in London in 1953. At the time the ruby then weighed just over 140 carats, but was very heavily scratched, and a few carats were removed in the repolishing. The repolishing also helped to center the stone's star. Articles in the New York World-Telegram and The Sun in 1953 mentioned this fabulous gemstone. Photo by Chip Clark.
November 18, 2006
November 16, 2006
November 7, 2006
Miss Not So Photogenic
November 6, 2006
October 23, 2006
So They Say Fall Is Pretty Here

This post is dedicated to Caitlin Indian White-Root for she is the master of all things fall and I miss her very much. Caits if you are out there somewhere reading perhaps from the lab while your yeast cultures are culturing or whatever it is that they do, I want you to know - I have four pretty Richmond leaves for you. I am still waiting for the Virginia fall to end to send them to you incase I get even better ones!
October 19, 2006
My Favorite Part About Richmond

October 15, 2006
Don't Trust Me
just lots of round puffed balls.
They advertised a toy.
3-D glasses or soemthing glow-in-the-dark,
something they'd made with love.
They just don't make things like they used to.
October 11, 2006
The White Van, The Fish Mobile and Other Such Stories
I remember one day going into the van and finding a glass buoy that had barnacles all over it. They were still alive so when you touched them they’d open and close. One of them closed on my finger. I don’t have a scar to prove it.
This reminds me of the time Erica and I were down at the harbor with my dad. I’m not sure why Erica and I were there except that this was a long time ago and we for some reason had my grandpa’s “fish mobile.” (It was a brown station wagon that had a fish hood ornament, which is why it was appropriately called the fish mobile) While my dad was off fixing my grandpas beauty the Kilohana III, Erica and I decided to go crab hunting. For some reason we put the crabs we found inside the car in a small wooden box with no lid. We left to find more crabs and came back to find that the crabs were gone. The moral of this story is that if you want to lose your crabs put them in a small wooden box.
October 4, 2006
On Technology
October 1, 2006
I'm Not Sure What This Means But...
I couldn’t help but wonder, is this going to be me in an adcenter month and was this my sign to run for my life?
Perhaps it was all just a coincidence.
September 22, 2006
Parking Structures
Imagine with me that VCU classes have just ended, and there are lines and lines of cars waiting to get out of this parking structure. I have just blocked the permit exit. I have no permit, just $3.25 to pay the attendant. Now I’m stuck and I can’t back up. Cars start piling up behind me.
At this point I throw my hands up and decide I am going to run from my car and never look back, but I couldn’t leave my Carlos (my car) alone to be stuck in the parking structure. I decide to do the next best thing, go around the gate. You must keep in mind I have a ‘95 Ford Escort, by no means an off-road vehicle, but I saw no other choice.
This is where things get interesting.
As I am bumping and scraping poor Carlos over the barrier and around the gate, a girl entering the parking structure yells at me in a condescending tone, “you can’t do that.” She seems to think she is telling me something I don’t already know. Oh in your country you don’t go around barriers and gates?
I held my $3.25 at her and said, “I didn’t know I couldn’t get out this way,” but I am still trying to focus on not breaking my beloved Carlos and getting into even worse of a mess than I was already in.
This girl seems to find a need to continue this conversation as though I have all the time in the world to discuss this situation with her. She responds, “Oh yes you did.”
Oh right, I forgot how much I love public humiliation, and really I just wanted to take my Carlos for a joy ride over the barrier and around the gate. Plus, I didn’t want to pay the attendents. Three dollars is just too much especially when I already have it in my hand to pay!!! That is way too much work. No no, I'd just rather go around the barrier through this exit. Of course I knew I couldn’t get out this way.
In the end she tells me “to have a nice day” still in the pompous tone that she started with.
As I drove away at first I had mixed feelings of being angry and not believing I freed myself from this parking trap, but my anger and humiliation quickly turned into laughter the whole way home as I kept repeating in my head “you can’t do that.” Apparently, I can do that and I did.
Additionally, I plan on next week paying $6.50 for my parking stay and going out the correct exit. If you are worried about becoming a victim of a parking stucture debacle, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
September 12, 2006
September 11, 2006
Seduce to blog

This blog is for you. As you and I talked and shared myspace pages, I came to the realization that you should blog. Everyone should blog, really...but especially you.
So here is your start. Fill it with what you like, but whatever you do, make sure you put your stories on here. Personally, I liked the one where you cut your hand during an interview and had to leave without finishing. I'm sorry that you didn't get that job. It's okay were meant for bigger things.
Blog on.
Peace & Love,
-Dan (your seduction partner)