September 21, 2009


the best part about making tea in the morning is that by 2pm your tea is iced tea. it's a drink that just keeps giving.

September 12, 2009

"vintage brass bunny"

Is it me or doesn't vintage usually imply some sort of unique/one-of-a-kind quality? Perhaps, all the vintage bunnies are getting it on as bunny have a tendency to do.

See my research below of the "vintage" charm on etsy:

why i have a TOMS tan:

be the change

not white anymore

current in transit to me!

for all of my yachting related events

ninja time boots

the first pair. currently have a hole in the bottom, not good when it rains.

not pictured: my GOOD magazine TOMS because I can't find a photo of them on the interweb and mine are camera shy.

i'll take it as a sign

that i was meant to save plants from the grocery store next to the refrigerated dairy food section since my favorite plant store is now an empty space on the street lost to time.

September 11, 2009

stay with me tomorrow

by patrick park
everyone's in everyone

September 7, 2009

beach grass dress

how do you feel about being my friend?